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Get blocks by version



This endpoint allows you to get the transactions in a block and the corresponding block information given a version in the block.

Transactions are limited by max default transactions size. If not all transactions are present, the user will need to query for the rest of the transactions via the get transactions API.

If the block has been pruned, it will return a 410


Path Parameters

    version uint64required

    Ledger version to lookup block information for.

Query Parameters

    with_transactions boolean

    If set to true, include all transactions in the block

    If not provided, no transactions will be retrieved


Response Headers



    Chain ID of the current chain



    Current ledger version of the chain



    Oldest non-pruned ledger version of the chain



    Current timestamp of the chain



    Current epoch of the chain



    Current block height of the chain



    Oldest non-pruned block height of the chain



    The cost of the call in terms of gas



    Cursor to be used for endpoints that support cursor-based pagination. Pass this to the start field of the endpoint on the next call to get the next page of results.


    block_height uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.

    block_hash HashValue (string)required
    block_timestamp uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.

    first_version uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.

    last_version uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.



    The transactions in the block in sequential order

  • Array [

  • oneOf

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [pending_transaction]

    hash HashValue (string)required
    sender hexrequired

    A hex encoded 32 byte Aptos account address.

    This is represented in a string as a 64 character hex string, sometimes shortened by stripping leading 0s, and adding a 0x.

    For example, address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is represented as 0x1.

    sequence_number uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.

    max_gas_amount uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.

    gas_unit_price uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.

    expiration_timestamp_secs uint64required

    A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.

    We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.




    An enum of the possible transaction payloads


    Payload which runs a single entry function

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [entry_function_payload]

    function EntryFunctionId (string)required

    Entry function id is string representation of a entry function defined on-chain.

    Format: {address}::{module name}::{function name}

    Both module name and function name are case-sensitive.

    type_arguments MoveType (string)[]required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(bool|u8|u64|u128|address|signer|vector<.+>|0x[0-9a-zA-Z:_<, >]+)$

    Type arguments of the function

    arguments arrayrequired

    Arguments of the function



    An enum representing the different transaction signatures available


    A single Ed25519 signature

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [ed25519_signature]

    public_key hexrequired

    All bytes (Vec) data is represented as hex-encoded string prefixed with 0x and fulfilled with two hex digits per byte.

    Unlike the Address type, HexEncodedBytes will not trim any zeros.

    signature hexrequired

    All bytes (Vec) data is represented as hex-encoded string prefixed with 0x and fulfilled with two hex digits per byte.

    Unlike the Address type, HexEncodedBytes will not trim any zeros.

  • ]
