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This document explains how to use real-time Pyth data in EVM contracts on the Movement testnet. For an interactive playground to explore the methods supported by the Pyth contract, see the EVM API reference.

Pyth Deployment on Movement Testnet

The Pyth deployment address on the Movement testnet is: 0xA2aa501b19aff244D90cc15a4Cf739D2725B5729

Install Pyth SDK

Pyth provides a Solidity SDK to fetch prices from Pyth contracts. The SDK exposes the IPyth interface to interact with Pyth price feeds.


If you are using Truffle or Hardhat, simply install the NPM package:

npm install @pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity


If you are using Foundry, you will need to create an NPM project if you don't already have one. From the root directory of your project, run:

npm init -y
npm install @pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity

Then add the following line to your remappings.txt file:


Write Contract Code

The code snippet below provides a general template for what your contract code should look like:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";

contract PythExample {
IPyth public pyth;

* @param pythContract The address of the Pyth contract on the Movement testnet
constructor(address pythContract) {
// The IPyth interface from pyth-sdk-solidity provides the methods to interact with the Pyth contract.
// Instantiate it with the Pyth contract address.
pyth = IPyth(pythContract);

* This method is an example of how to interact with the Pyth contract.
* Fetch the priceUpdate and pass it to the Pyth contract to update the prices.
* Add the priceUpdate argument to any method on your contract that needs to read the Pyth price.
* See for more information on how to fetch the priceUpdate.
* @param priceUpdate The encoded data to update the contract with the latest price
function updatePriceAndFetch(bytes[] calldata priceUpdate) public payable {
// Submit a priceUpdate to the Pyth contract to update the on-chain price.
// Updating the price requires paying the fee returned by getUpdateFee.
// WARNING: These lines are required to ensure the getPrice call below succeeds. If you remove them, transactions may fail with "0x19abf40e" error.
uint fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdate);
pyth.updatePriceFeeds{ value: fee }(priceUpdate);

// Read the current price from a price feed.
// Each price feed (e.g., ETH/USD) is identified by a price feed ID.
// The complete list of feed IDs is available at
bytes32 priceFeedId = 0xff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace; // ETH/USD
PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPrice(priceFeedId);

// Use the price as needed in your contract
// Example: emit an event with the price
emit PriceUpdated(price.price, price.conf);

// Event to emit the updated price
event PriceUpdated(int64 price, uint64 conf);

Instructions to Use

  1. Install the Pyth SDK:

    • For Truffle/Hardhat:
      npm install @pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity
    • For Foundry:
      npm init -y
      npm install @pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity
      Add to remappings.txt:
  2. Deploy the Contract:

    • Ensure you pass the Pyth contract address on the Movement testnet (0xA2aa501b19aff244D90cc15a4Cf739D2725B5729) to the constructor when deploying.
  3. Fetch and Update Prices:

    • Use the updatePriceAndFetch function to submit a price update and read the latest price from the Pyth contract.

This snippet includes the instantiation of the IPyth interface, updates the price feeds, and fetches the current price for a given price feed ID. You can customize the updatePriceAndFetch function as needed for your application.

Aptos & Sui Move

The Pyth smart contract is deployed on both Aptos and Sui Move on the Movement chain on these addresses:

Named AddressTestnet ValueDevnet Value