Sui Module
🚀 Your First Sui Module on Devnet
You may see Sui devnet referred to as m2. Note that this is a legacy devnet and as we work to move away from devnet this naming convention will no longer be used.
Make sure to have Sui CLI installed.
Initialize your Environment​
Initialize your Sui profile for your package development and add M2 as a custom network. M2 is our current blockchain that supports Sui deployments.
sui client new-env --rpc --alias m2
Now switch to the M2 environment:
sui client switch --env m2
You can now create a new sui move project with the following command:
sui move new hello_world
This will give you a folder to access into:
cd hello_world
Open it in your favorite editor:
code .
Create your move file:
touch sources/hello_world.move
Now you have the following folder structure:
/ sources
Inside hello_world.move
you can paste the following code:
module hello_world::hello_world {
use std::string;
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use sui::transfer;
use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};
struct HelloWorldObject has key, store {
id: UID,
text: string::String
public fun signature() : address {
public fun mint(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let object = HelloWorldObject {
id: object::new(ctx),
text: string::utf8(b"Hello World!")
transfer::public_transfer(object, tx_context::sender(ctx));
After building your project, you can deploy it to the devnet:
sui client publish --gas-budget 20000000
The object ID under the Published Objects
section is the ID of your module. You can now call the mint function on your module with that object ID:
sui client call --function mint --module hello_world --package <package object ID> --gas-budget 10000000
Don't forget to replace <package object ID>
with the object ID of your module from previous console output!
Congratulations! You have just written, published, and executed your first SuiMove module on the testnet!