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Aptos TypeScript SDK

On the Movement Network, you are building with Aptos Move; this allows you to leverage the Aptos TypeScript SDK to interact with the chain.

The guide below will walk you through the process of setting up the SDK and interacting with the chain. If you would like to reference specific functions on the SDK refer to the reference documentation for the version of the SDK you are using.


npm install @aptos-labs/ts-sdk


To get started with the SDK, import the necessary components:

const { Account, Aptos, AptosConfig, Network, Ed25519PrivateKey } = require("@aptos-labs/ts-sdk");


Configure the SDK to connect to the Movement Bardock Testnet (Please refer to Network Endpoints for more endpoints):

const config = new AptosConfig({
network: Network.CUSTOM,
fullnode: '',
faucet: '',

// Initialize the Aptos client
const aptos = new Aptos(config);

Interacting with the Chain

Account Setup

// Create an account from a private key
const privateKey = new Ed25519PrivateKey("YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey({ privateKey })

Reading Data

// Example of reading data using view function
const viewPayload = {
function: "0x1::message::get_message",
functionArguments: [accountAddress]

const result = await aptos.view({ payload: viewPayload });

Sending Transactions

// Build the transaction
const transaction = await{
sender: accountAddress,
data: {
function: "0x1::message::set_message",
functionArguments: ["Hello Movement!"]

// Sign the transaction
const signature = aptos.transaction.sign({
signer: account,

// Submit the transaction
const committedTxn = await aptos.transaction.submit.simple({
senderAuthenticator: signature,

// Wait for transaction completion
const response = await aptos.waitForTransaction({
transactionHash: committedTxn.hash

Remember to replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY with your actual private key and never share or commit private keys to version control.

Example Code

The Code below is based on the Your First Move Contract tutorial.

const { Account, Aptos, AptosConfig, Network, Ed25519PrivateKey } = require("@aptos-labs/ts-sdk");

// Define the custom network configuration
const config = new AptosConfig({
network: Network.CUSTOM,
fullnode: '',
faucet: '',

// Define the module address and functions
const MODULE_ADDRESS = "";
const SET_MESSAGE_FUNCTION = `${MODULE_ADDRESS}::message::set_message`;
const GET_MESSAGE_FUNCTION = `${MODULE_ADDRESS}::message::get_message`;

const PRIVATE_KEY = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"; // Replace with your private key
const MESSAGE = "gmove";

const setMessage = async () => {
// Setup the client
const aptos = new Aptos(config);

// Create an account from the provided private key
const privateKey = new Ed25519PrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY)
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey({ privateKey })
const accountAddress = account.accountAddress

console.log(`address: ${account.accountAddress}`)

console.log(`Using account: ${accountAddress}`);

// Build the transaction payload
const payload = {
type_arguments: [],
arguments: [MESSAGE],

console.log("\n=== Reading Message ===\n");
const viewPayload = {
functionArguments: [accountAddress]
try {
const message = await aptos.view({ payload: viewPayload });
console.log("Message:", message);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error reading message:", error);

// Submit the transaction
console.log("\n=== Submitting Transaction ===\n");
const transaction = await{
sender: accountAddress,
data: {
functionArguments: [MESSAGE]

// Sign the transaction
const signature = aptos.transaction.sign({ signer: account, transaction });

// Submit the transaction to chain
const committedTxn = await aptos.transaction.submit.simple({
senderAuthenticator: signature,

console.log(`Submitted transaction: ${committedTxn.hash}`);
const response = await aptos.waitForTransaction({ transactionHash: committedTxn.hash });
console.log({ response })
// Read the message after it has been set
console.log("\n=== Reading Message ===\n");

const newMessage = await aptos.view({ payload: viewPayload });

console.log("Message:", newMessage);

setMessage().catch((err) => {
console.error("Error setting message:", err);