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Deploy to Movement Network

🚀 If you already have a Move module written, you can deploy it to the Movement Network using the Movement CLI or Aptos CLI.

For a full guide on how to install the CLI and get your development environment setup, please see our First Move Module guide.

Check Config​

Ensure your config.yaml is configured to the correct network for the profile you are using. This can be found in the .movement directory at the root of your project.

network: Custom
private_key: "0xYOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"
public_key: "0xYOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"
account: "account_address"
rest_url: ""
faucet_url: ""

Add Address to Move.Toml​

To make compiling, testing, and of course deploying your Move module easier, you can add your address to the move.toml file at the root of your Move project.

default = "YOUR_ADDRESS"

Deploy to Movement Network​

Run the following command to deploy your Move module to the Movement Network:

movement move publish

You'll be prompted to confirm the transaction and spend a small amount of testnet tokens:

Do you want to submit this transaction? [Y/n]

Type Y and press Enter.

Ensure you have sufficient testnet tokens from the faucet before proceeding.