This guide will help you understand how to connect with Aptos MoveVM wallets.
Aptos Move Wallets
With Aptos compatible networks, you can use @aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react
to provide your dApp with a Provider
and Context
for connecting MoveVM wallets to your dapp.
This Provider uses a standard interface for all Movement Wallets, making it easy for new wallets to be supported.
Using the React Provider
and Context
In this example, we'll be using Next.js and TypeScript.
Set up Next.js
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
- bun
npm create next-app
pnpm create next-app
yarn create next-app
bun create next-app
Install @aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
- bun
npm install @aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
pnpm add @aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
yarn add @aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
bun add @aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
Implement Wallet Provider & Custom network
Create a new files with name provider/WalletProvider.tsx
, import the Aptos Wallet Adapter and any legacy wallet plugins & custom network to connect to the porto network or aptos devnet.
import { AptosWalletAdapterProvider } from "@aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react";
import { PropsWithChildren } from "react";
import { AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
export const WalletProvider = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => {
const wallets = [
// add plugins for non AIP 62 compliant wallets here
const config = new AptosConfig({
network: Network.TESTNET,
fullnode: 'https://aptos.testnet.porto.movementlabs.xyz/v1',
faucet: 'https://fund.testnet.porto.movementlabs.xyz/'
return (
onError={(error) => {
console.log("error", error);
All fields of AptosWalletAdapterProvider
It is recommended to:Set autoConnect to true. Include plugins for any wallets that are using the legacy standard.
Field | Description | Example |
autoConnect | A prop indicates whether the dapp should auto connect with the most recently connected wallet on page reload. | true |
optInWallets | Limit the list of supported AIP-62 wallets to just the ones with names in optedInWallets. | ['Petra'] |
dappConfig | Specify an alternate network to work on. This prop only works for wallets which are NOT chrome extensions. If set, this object must include the name of the network the app is connected to. The object may include a aptosConnectDappId. | { network: 'mainnet', aptosConnectDappId: undefined } |
onError | A callback function to fire when the adapter throws an error. | (error) => { console.log("error", error); } |
plugins | Any legacy standard wallet, i.e., a wallet that is not AIP-62 standard compatible, should be installed in this array. Check https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-wallet-adapter/blob/main/README.md#supported-wallet-packages for a list of legacy standard wallet plugins. | [new LegacyWallet()] |
Import Provider to layout.tsx
import type { Metadata } from "next";
import localFont from "next/font/local";
import "./globals.css";
import { WalletProvider } from "@/provider";
// ... {rest code}
export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
return (
<html lang="en">
className={`${geistSans.variable} ${geistMono.variable} antialiased`}
Edit src/app/page.tsx
& import useWallet
to access data from the Provider
'use client'
import {useWallet} from '@aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react'
export default function Home() {
const { account, connected, wallet, changeNetwork } = useWallet();
return (
<div className="grid grid-rows-[20px_1fr_20px] items-center justify-items-center min-h-screen p-8 pb-20 gap-16 sm:p-20 font-[family-name:var(--font-geist-sans)]">
{account && account.address}
For more information about the useWallet
hook, you can refer to the following interface:
export interface WalletContextState {
connected: boolean;
isLoading: boolean;
account: AccountInfo | null;
network: NetworkInfo | null;
connect(walletName: WalletName): void;
disconnect(): void;
wallet: WalletInfo | null;
wallets?: ReadonlyArray<Wallet | AptosStandardSupportedWallet>;
signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: InputTransactionData): Promise<any>;
transactionOrPayload: AnyRawTransaction | Types.TransactionPayload,
asFeePayer?: boolean,
options?: InputGenerateTransactionOptions
): Promise<AccountAuthenticator>;
transaction: InputSubmitTransactionData
): Promise<PendingTransactionResponse>;
signMessage(message: SignMessagePayload): Promise<SignMessageResponse>;
signMessageAndVerify(message: SignMessagePayload): Promise<boolean>;
changeNetwork(network: Network): Promise<AptosChangeNetworkOutput>;
Details all function of useWallet()
See WalletCore.ts
in wallet-adapter-core
for where these functions are implemented.
Function | Signature | Description |
connect | connect(walletName: WalletName): void | Connects to the specified wallet by its name. |
disconnect | disconnect(): void | Disconnects the currently connected wallet. |
signTransaction | signTransaction(transactionOrPayload: AnyRawTransaction | Types.TransactionPayload, asFeePayer?: boolean, options?: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): Promise<AccountAuthenticator> | Signs a transaction with optional parameters for fee payment. |
submitTransaction | submitTransaction(transaction: InputSubmitTransactionData): Promise<PendingTransactionResponse> | Submits a transaction with the provided transaction data. |
signAndSubmitTransaction | signAndSubmitTransaction(transaction: InputTransactionData): Promise<any> | Signs and submits a transaction with the given input data. |
signMessage | signMessage(message: SignMessagePayload): Promise<SignMessageResponse> | Signs a message and returns the signature and other response info. |
signMessageAndVerify | signMessageAndVerify(message: SignMessagePayload): Promise<boolean> | Signs a message and verifies the signer. |
changeNetwork | changeNetwork(network: Network): Promise<AptosChangeNetworkOutput> | Requests a change in the connected network. This is not supported by all wallets. |